Published by Johns Hopkins Medicine

You know exercise is heart smart and good for you. But do you really know how much physical activity you’re getting? And how can you get more, day in and day out, for your heart health? A fitness tracker may help.

Studies show that consistently using a fitness tracker—a device that tracks your movement, such as a traditional pedometer or other wearable device, or a smartphone app—can increase your steps per day by more than a mile, especially if you establish a heart-smart daily goal.

“Fitness trackers are a great tool for heart health,” says Johns Hopkins cardiologist Seth Martin, M.D., M.H.S. “Being more active and changing your habits is important, but it can be difficult. Tracking likely helps a lot of people when combined with a clear goal to shoot for.”


Having an objective daily record can open people’s eyes to how little exercise they’re getting, Martin says, which can recalibrate their mindset and become an

incentive. People find ways to incorporate more activity into their day, whether it’s dedicated walking or gym time, walking during meetings or personal calls, or simply taking the stairs instead of an elevator.

“It gives people information and empowers them to start making changes for heart health,” Martin says. “And often, their activity level was not something they were paying attention to before they started tracking.”


Try a few pedometers, smartphone tracking apps or wearable devices, until you find one that’s comfortable for you and your budget, Martin suggests. Next steps once you’ve made a match:

  1. Use the tracker consistently, every day.
  2. Set a goal. The most common figure is 10,000 steps per day, but check with your doctor. If that is unrealistic or unhealthy, he or she can suggest an individualized plan, such as doubling your 2,000 steps to 4,000.
  3. Find activities you enjoy that also fit into your daily life and can be sustained over the long-term.
  4. Recruit friends and family to use trackers as well. It can create a social support network and even foster a sense of competition.
  5. Be accountable. Check your numbers every day, and share them with your doctor at your next appointment.
  6. Follow those five tips, and you’ll be on your way to a healthier lifestyle—and a healthier heart.


Be ready, too, as doctors learn and introduce even better ways to use these devices. In a recent study, Martin and his Johns Hopkins colleagues tested an automated, real-time, personalized program that sent text messages to subjects based on data from their phone. Over the short term, this coaching system helped increase step counts by more than a mile a day.

Martin hopes to see a similar system become widely used. He also wants to test social media platforms, to build support and competition networks.

“It hasn’t been studied, but we think it will work,” Martin says. “I think technology can be a very powerful tool to get people moving more.”